- The Club shall be called the Dunchurch Photographic Society and membership shall be open to all interested in photography. The Club shall be affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through membership of the Midland Counties Photographic Federation.
- The Officers of the club shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Syllabus Secretary, to be elected by the Members’ Annual General Meeting.
- The affairs of the Club shall be managed by a committee consisting of the officers and four members, all to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, together with the Immediate Past Chairman and Honorary President as ex-officio members. Any member of the committee failing to attend 50% of club meetings may be asked to resign from committee.
- The committee shall have the power to co-opt any member of the club to serve on the committee until the following Annual General Meeting.
- The annual subscription shall be fixed for the following year at the Annual General Meeting and be payable on the first meeting of each club year.
- Candidates for election to membership shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another. The committee shall be competent to accept or reject an application for membership at an ordinary committee meeting.
- Membership of the club implies an undertaking to comply with and abide by these rules.
- At committee meetings six shall form a quorum, and at a general meeting 30% of the members shall form a quorum
- A special meeting may be convened on a requisition signed by at least 30% of ordinary members, stating the object of such a special meeting, and sent to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date proposed.
- The Honorary Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and conduct the correspondence of the Club. The Honorary Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and monies due after authorisation of the committee. At the close of each club year, the Honorary Treasurer shall draw up a Balance Sheet to be presented to the members at the Annual General meeting. The Balance Sheet shall be audited by an external authorised auditor proposed by the Treasurer and approved by the members at the Annual General Meeting or E.G.M.
- A member may be expelled or asked to resign from the club at the decision of the committee. The committee can request a member to appear before it, provided that where any accusation or charge is made, the member shall be given full and reasonable opportunity to put forward a defence and bring witnesses at a later meeting. Any member expelled or asked to resign shall have the right of appeal to a Special General Meeting called for the purpose. All committee proceedings and those of any Special General Meeting called under this rule shall be treated as privileged and confidential.
- The name of any member whose subscription is more than 3 months in arrear may be removed from the membership list by order of the Committee.
- A member not in arrears of subscription may resign from the club at any time by giving notice to the Honorary Secretary.
- In the event of the dissolution of the Club, a Special General Meeting shall be called at which a liquidator shall be appointed and a decision made then or subsequently as to the disposal of the assets of the club.
- Members may occasionally invite guests. Prospective new members should be expected to join after 2 visits.
- Subgroups may be formed at the discretion of the Committee. Members of subgroups should be full members of the society. The running costs of any subgroup should be self-financing.
- No alteration of, or addition to, these rules shall be made except at Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting called in accordance with Rule 9.
May 2005 (no 15 added AGM 2008) (no 16 added AGM 2009)