PDI Resizing for Competition

Step by Step Guide to Producing your Digital Image Entries.

The following instructions assume that you are using Photoshop® and the Windows®
operating system, however you can apply them to almost any image editor of your choice.

1. Open your ‘My Documents’ folder and from the menu select File > New > Folder and name it (your name)(competition) Images. Example: Anthony Timmins Merit 1 Images.

2. Close the ‘My Documents’ folder.

3. Open Photoshop.

4. From the menu select File > Open and then navigate to the first image that you wish to include in your submission, and open it.

5. From the main menu select Image > Image Size. Then change the ‘Width and Height to suit the maximum required dimensions of 1400 pixels (Max width) and 1050 pixels (Max Height). Click OK.
Note that landscape crops should be max 1400 pixels wide and portrait crops should be max 1050 pixels high. You do not need to crop your image to precisely 1400 x 1050 (remember to sharpen the image).

6. From the main menu select File > Save As then:

a. Select the folder that you created in step 1 as the folder to save to.
b. Rename the file as (Title of the picture) by (your name)
Example: Elephants in Amboseli by Anthony Timmins
IF the word ‘by’ is in the Title then the Title MUST be in CAPITALS.
Example: LION BY TREE by Anthony Timmins
c. From the ‘Format field choose JPEG (.JPG) and click SAVE.
d. In the ‘JPEG Options’ box that appears choose ‘Quality’ 12 (Maximum) then click OK.

7. Close the file.

8. Now follow steps 4 through 7 to create your other images.

9. Now email the images as attachments to images(at)dunchurchps.com (replace the (at) by @).