On Wednesday 1st March 2023, Dunchurch Photographic Society experienced the Fifty Shades Of Bray Challenge, in its third year of existence.
Following on from the successes of the last two seasons, members of the Society were invited to make their own interpretations of three RAW file images supplied by the Chairman (David Bray).
In previous years the images were critiqued in a light-hearted way by the members whilst learning a little bit more about processing techniques and composition. The twist this year was the images were judged by the Chairman as if it was a competition.
It was a thought-provoking evening where there was plenty of feedback from David about the ‘traps’ in each of his images, image composition, cropping arrangements and various different ways to edit the image.
The Results Are In… And As Follows –
Commended –
Highly Commended –
3rd Place –
2nd Place –
1st Place –
Small gifts were awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
The Chairman would like to thank all the members who supplied their images for this friendly event and the opportunity to try his hand at judging.
Report by Mark Ellis
Programme Secretary 2022-23