On Wednesday 2nd November 2022, Dunchurch Photographic Society held their annual Open Subject Projected Digital Image (PDI) competition at the WI Hall on Southam Road, Dunchurch. This time, our members were playing for the coveted President’s Trophy, and they were treated to approximately 45 entries for the 2022/23 season. In line with our Society rules, each member can submit up to three images into this event.
The judge for the evening was Robert Ings, who battled his way in inclement weather conditions from the Lichfield area. As ever, the range of subjects entered by Dunchurch Photographic Society members put on not only a fine visual and thought provoking spectacle for the audience, but crucially made it a tough competition for Robert Ings to pass his critique and judgement. That’s just how we like it as it reflects positively on the strength and depth of the imagery provided by our members. So well done to everyone who entered to help make it a fine showing once again.
As the Chairman of the Society, I thank all of the members who took part in this fascinating and closely fought competition. And naturally, I would like to give our collective thanks to Robert Ings for his valuable and insightful critique of our images.
Many congratulations to Steven Farmer, who won the competition for the second year running with an image titled ‘Bird On An Island.’
Of course, well done to all of our members who experienced success in the competition with images that were commended, highly commended or finishing 3rd or 2nd place. A fantastic evening, and a very positive and proud reflection on the photography achieved by Dunchurch Photographic Society members.
Confirmed Result –
Commended –
Highly Commended –
3rd Place –
2nd Place –
1st Place –
Report by David J. Bray AFIAP, CPAGB, A.CPE